Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Conference Challenge: Part 2

In April,I introduced you all to the General Conference Challenge.  It was first given to my family by our home teacher a year or two back.  I have found it to be very inspiring and beneficial to my recovery efforts and overall relationship with the Savior.  I will be doing it again this weekend.

Just a refresher for those of you who don't remember;

So I wanted to give you a challenge!  About a year ago our Home Teacher challenged us to watch Conference weekend with questions in mind.  He actually challenged us to write down at least 3 questions that we needed inspiration and help with in our lives.  He bore testimony that if we would do this diligently and prayerfully that we would receive answers to the questions.  I know this to be true.  As members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ we have access to revelation to know the Lord's will.  This weekend is one of those opportunities.  So seize the day my friends!  Join me in seeking answers to the problems that weigh us down and cause us stress.  Our Heavenly Father will give us guidance.
Looking forward to a great conference weekend!

I am so blessed to be a member of a Church that is led by a Prophet of God and to have the opportunity to hear wonderful and uplifting messages every 6 months.  I am preparing myself to be inspired and uplifted.  I will re-visit this next week with my thoughts and some of what I learned

~~~ Tim


  1. So can I do it today? Even though conference is half over?

    1. Heck ya! I usually start it during Priesthood because there are less distractions and less kids running around. lol

  2. Ha ha. Oh good. There's still a chance. :)
