Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Power of General Conference

I used to dread General Conference.  When I was mired deep in my addiction it meant the inevitable phone calls from my Dad and brothers about attending the Priesthood Session and discussions with neighbors and co-workers about the messages given.  I didn't want to go and I didn't want to watch.  Hearing messages of repentance and spirituality are hard to hear when you are living far from the blessings of the Lord.  I recall one particular year when I was serving as an Elder's Quorum instructor in our ward and the Elders Quorum President asked if instead of a lesson I would lead a discussion inviting the brothers to share their favorite experiences from a recent session of Conference.  I hadn't watched a single second of it, which made leading a discussion an interesting challenge.  I would often try to work just to avoid it.  It was easier to explain why I hadn't watched when I could blame it on work.  It was hard and I missed so much.

When I came up with my my relapse recovery plan a few months back one of the key elements was to listen to conference talks on my phone on a regular basis.  As I started to listen to a talk or two every day I realized how much I had missed.  There were literally YEARS of talks and messages of power that I had missed entirely.  It has been very rewarding to play catch up and listen to these messages of love and support these past weeks. 

Today is going to be a long day.  I work a double and I am cramming everything together and skipping lunch and breaks to try and finish in time to watch Priesthood with my son.  But I am SOOO excited to watch Conference.  It is such a difference from the feelings of fear and avoidance of the past.

So I wanted to give you a challenge!  About a year ago our Home Teacher challenged us to watch Conference weekend with questions in mind.  He actually challenged us to write down at least 3 questions that we needed inspiration and help with in our lives.  He bore testimony that if we would do this diligently and prayerfully that we would receive answers to the questions.  I know this to be true.  As members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ we have access to revelation to know the Lord's will.  This weekend is one of those opportunities.  So seize the day my friends!  Join me in seeking answers to the problems that weigh us down and cause us stress.  Our Heavenly Father will give us guidance.

Looking forward to a great conference weekend!

~~~ Tim


  1. I always loved Conference, but that was because I was in a great denial about my addiction. I still remember, two years ago, my first General Conference after beginning recovery. That first session was awesome. Every talk, every SONG was for me! I loved it! I need to work on having a better attitude this conference. ~Stacey

  2. YOU GO, Tim! So ... how is it going so far? :)

    1. It was amazing. Once talks are linked on I will post my results with excerpts and quotes. I can say though that every single question I came up with was directly addressed in conference. It was very amazing to see the Lord's hand.
