Tuesday, June 11, 2013

D&C 76 and Recovery

So in Sunday School this past week, we spent a lot of time studying D&C Section 76. This is the section that reveals much of the detail we know about the 3 degrees of glory and what type of people will end up in each kingdom. I always enjoy this topic and thought there were some great comments made during the discussion. As we talked and studied in the scriptures I started to see many parallels between the lessons taught in this section and the lessons of recovery from addiction. I wanted to share some of those thoughts here.

We started off discussing the Telestial Kingdom and what types of individuals would receive that degree of glory. This is of course the Kingdom for unrepentant sinners and those who rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ either on the earth, in the spirit world, or both. Some of the people who fall in this category are described in D&C 76:103;

103 These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.

As I read that verse I couldn't help but think that this is what it is like to be active in sexual addiction. This perfectly describes an addict that has not yet found recovery or is not making any effort to work recovery.

Next we discussed the Terrestrial Kingdom and the individuals that will end up there. As we discussed one brother raised his hand and said that the best way for him to understand the difference between the Telestial and Terrestrial glories is that those who will end up in the Telestial Kingdom are those who actively participated and did not repent from their sins of commission. As the verse states above, "liars, adulterers, whoremongers" or for our purposes, living in active addiction. He then went on to explain that the Terrestrial Kingdom would be populated with people that struggle with sins of omission. Which is to say, people who had testimonies, who tried to repent of their sins and stop doing bad things, but those who weren't willing to put forth the effort to do all of the good things required to achieve Celestial glory. This is described in D&C 76:75;

75 These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men.

Then we get additional detail in verse 79;

79 These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God.

So we read here that these are good people. Honorable men they are described, but they weren't valiant in their testimony of the Savior. They didn't fully use and understand the Atonement and as a result they were blinded by men and didn't receive their full glory. To me this describes perfectly someone who is going through the motions of recovery. Maybe attending meetings, but never cracking the 12 Step Manual in between meetings. Doing their best to abstain from their addiction but without ever truly surrendering it to the Savior and having Faith in Him who saves. In the dictionary, valiant is defined as;


1. boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted: a valiant soldier.

2. marked by or showing bravery or valor; heroic: to make a valiant effort.

3. worthy; excellent.

It made me ask myself. Are my recovery efforts bold? Courageous? Am I stout-hearted when faced with temptation? Am I worthy? Because that is what it means to be valiant in my testimony of the Savior. To be valiant in recovery from addiction.

Lastly we discussed those who will receive the eternal glory that can only be found in the Celestial Kingdom. It was here that much was learned and more importantly that there was much to be hopeful about. We read again in D&C 76 about those who will receive this highest level of glory;

51 They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given—

52 That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power;

53 And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true.

60 And they shall overcome all things.

I added emphasis to the portions that I found particularly encouraging and hopeful. These are people who were sinners! But they were washed and cleansed of their sins. How? Well they overcame by faith in Jesus Christ! And through this faith in The Savior, they overcame all things! All things, not some things, not most things, not everything but this dirty little habit I have battled for most of my life. ALL THINGS.

Finally in verse 61 we learn how this can all be possible;

61 Wherefore, let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet.

This is the instruction that has been given to me. To all of us. Let God trample these enemies, these weaknesses, these addictions that I can never overcome on my own. It means surrender, faith and a whole heck of a lot of work. Because to receive this blessing and this help from God, I must be valiant in my recovery. It means not just avoiding the bad things, but filling my time and my days with a lot more good things.

At the end of the day, the lesson I have learned is that true recovery is really no different than truly living the gospel. I can live in my addiction and suffer the consequences. I can sort of work on recovery, abstain from the worst things and have a measure of glory and success, or I can give it my all, trusting that the Lord will do the rest and receive all the glory, or a true recovery from my struggles. The path is clear, I just have to have the faith to walk it.

~~~ Tim


  1. Sometimes I have a hard time getting through "Scripture blog posts" but I found your insights on this particularly .... insightful! Love your thoughts!

  2. Love this. It was a hard lesson for me to sit and listen to, but I did have my a-hah moments through it... you highlighted many of them! It's awesome to see the three laid out and I feel I weigh heavier on the Celestial side... never in my life did I ever think I would ever be able to ever say that. Feels so good!

  3. ^^agree with Sidreis. And wow. That feels good.

    I LOVE this post. Everything about it. I learned a lot from reading this and if you are not already a Sunday School teacher, I think you should be. You were able to totally put this into my own personal life, in simple terms and with this real life, daily, in and out struggle. Thank you. And I love how much hope I felt. Like, "Yes, it's going to be a lot of work, but the rewards are so awesome, and YOU can get there!"
    This also reminds me of something I tell people all the time. You can either be apathetic ('Sunday Mormon') or you can have real convictions and strive to live them every day - but the choice is yours and will be manifested in your actions. I love when you said, "It means not just avoiding the bad things, but filling my time and my days with a lot more good things." So so true.
    Thanks for 'likening the scriptures' to me... Loved it.
