Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's The Thought That Counts

The last couple days have been particularly stress filled.  Some of the financial issues that were fueled by my last relapse period have reared their head again leading to contention and blame.  I woke this morning feeling somewhat despondent.  I listened to a wonderful talk about Forgiveness by President Hinckley to try and break out of it but I was still in something of a funk.  Then completely unexpectedly, I received a text from one of my friends in recovery.  It was unexpected because this isn't someone that has reached out to me much in the past, and it was a simple text just sharing his favorite scripture with me, but it meant the world to me. 

Here is the funny part.  The scripture he shared didn't really speak to me.  I didn't read it and feel the Spirit and know that it was exactly what I needed in that moment.  If anything I was a little confused as to how it related to me at all.  Yet in my heart I still felt peace.  For the first time in a few difficult days I really felt like everything was going to be okay.  Then as I pondered this it hit me.  It's the thought that counts.  Yes its a silly phrase that has become a justification over the years for poor or late birthday gifts.  'I'm sorry I forgot your birthday last month, so here is a gift card.  It's super late, but its the thought that counts right!!!'  I've heard it a million times.

In this case however, it was absolutely true.  Satan does an amazing job isolating me, breaking me away from my family and my support center and making me feel like I am entirely alone and worthless.  It is one of his tried and tested methods of breaking me down and slowing my progress.  He has been very successful at it over the course of my life.  So sometimes, just knowing that someone is out there thinking of you, thinking of me, is just the boost needed.

I often think of reaching out to others, trying to share something from my daily study that might brighten some one's day, but I tend to get stuck in thinking that I have nothing inspiring to share.  If I could just find the perfect quote or scripture or anecdote, THEN I would share it with my friends.  Otherwise, what is the point of reaching out at all.  Today taught me how untrue that is.  It reminded me of something my sponsor told me when I was very new to recovery.  Many days, he would send me a text in the morning that was just a smiley face emoticon.  No message at all.  He explained that it was his way of letting me know that he was there.  The lines of communication were open and I knew he was thinking of me and that he was available to talk.  It meant a lot to me in those early days when every passing minute seemed impossible.

I am so grateful for that brother for taking the time to share, but more importantly I am grateful for the reminder from the Spirit that often times all my friends and family really need, is just to know that I am here for them, thinking of them and that they aren't alone.  That none of us are alone.  It doesn't take profound spiritual knowledge or wonderful quotes fine tuned with online apps so they are beautiful and inspiring.  Those things can be wonderful too, but sometimes it really is the thought that counts. 

~~~ Tim

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! Sometimes just knowing someone was thinking of you is so helpful and uplifting.
