Monday, March 11, 2013

My 60 Days of Recovery Boot Camp

After my last relapse I was a complete mess.  After a few days of feeling sorry for myself and trying to remember how to live my day to day life, I realized that what I was doing wasn't working.  I have had access to recovery for over 3 years, but I wasn't embracing it.  Recovery isn't a "dip your toe in the water" type concept.  It is a jump off the cliff and fly type moment.  Some of us figure it out right away, some of us have to fall down A LOT.  I am solidly a member of the second group.

So after I came to this realization I decided to look at what more I could do.  If what I was doing wasn't enough, what did I need to change to make it work better this go round?  So I came up with a 60 day recovery boot camp of sorts.  I did this prayerfully over a couple days and this is what I came up with.  I can't promise you that this will work for you, but I recently reached the halfway point of my 60 days and I have seen great progress so far.

My 60 Day Commitment

  • I will attend at least 2 ARP meetings or firesides every week.
  • I will reach out via text or phone call to at least 3 people who know about my addiction every day.(This one got WAY easier as I opened up about my struggles)
  • I will meet with my Bishop a minimum of once a week.
  • I will be completely honest with my Bishop, my wife and my recovery group about my sobriety date and any slips or struggles if they should occur.
  • I will not engage in sexual intimacy of any kind with myself, or with my wife so that my brain can begin to detox.
  • I will plan out the following day every evening before bed so that I have a plan for down time and inactive time.
  • I will block all phone numbers that could be potential triggers or lead to a slip.
  • I will do short refreshes of steps 1-3 and then prayerfully and thoroughly complete steps 4 and 5 so that I can move forward in the steps.
  • I will complete all my Home Teaching and Church calling responsibilities.
  • I will look for opportunities to get outside myself and serve others.  Whether it be helping more around the house, Church service etc.
  • I will pray at least twice daily on my knees.
  • My dailies will consist of at least 2 of the following every day.  (Read scriptures, read a recovery book or resource, read a conference talk, work in the 12 Step Manual)
  • I will continue to use my blog as an online journal where I can be honest about where I am in a public manner.
So far this has been extremely successful for me.  I haven't been perfect.  There are small things I have forgotten from time to time, but for the most part I have followed through as outlined on the list.  The difference in my life has been noticeable especially in regards to my personal study.  In the past 30 days I have read all of He Restoreth My Soul, by Dr. Donald Hilton.  I am now reading in Believing Christ by Stephen R. Robinson.  I have read all of Matthew and most of Mark in the New Testament.  In addition we have been reading the Book of Mormon as a family.  So most days I have some form of study 3-4 different times throughout the day.

In addition to the items listed on the list I have also been listening exclusively to uplifting music and Christian Rock whenever I am in my car for travel or work.  I have tried to make my environment uplifting no matter where I am.  

Now I realize this is just a starting point and that even if I am successful for 60 days, I still have a long, long ways to go.  But a 60 day plan seemed long enough to be habit forming yet short enough to be attainable.  As with most aspects of recovery it ultimately comes down to one day at a time.  Thinking in terms of 60 days is can seem daunting at times, but one day at a time it has been doable and wonderful.

~~~ Tim  


  1. Proud of you:-) I remember when you first showed me that list I was scared for you because it seemed like a lot and I was worried you were setting yourself up for failure.. but I was wrong. I have seen and FELT much improvement as well!

  2. "Half measures availed us nothing." Great work, Tim! Beware the "Honeymoon period". I am super happy that you are at this point in your life! Keep up the good work!

  3. I like this plan alot. I wish I could connect with you more. If you ever get in a lull, let me know! I'm a complete addict but I know how to talk someone out of throwing in the towel!

    You make me want to commit to doing more. I had to write some things down during lunch break today. Day at a time. One lesson at a time. One step at a time. Recovery is still the most challenging thing i've ever done!

    1. Why don't you connect more? You guys should exchange numbers:-). I text my blogger buddies:-) (the women that is!)

    2. I'd love to connect with you man. I'm big on reaching out throughout the day via text. Sharing highlights from my dailies or just letting others know when I'm struggling.

      I just added an email me widget to my blog homepage. Feel free to shoot me an email if you're comfortable exchanging numbers or if you just want to chat via email.

  4. Wow! This is great Tim:) I need to do something like this for myself. My co-dependency has been haywire lately. I was finally honest with myself and admitted I have a problem.

    I just attended my first general meeting last week, with my husband. It was fantastic! The spirit was so incredibly strong.

    I am so grateful the example you and Sidreis set. Thanks:)
